How we work

Our approach

Sauvignon Blanc is a thinking partner for marketing and communications. 

That's someone who will work alongside you as you develop your strategies, plans and ideas, offering experience, guidance, originality and challenge.  Where necessary, we will coach better plans and ideas out of you; or coach you to accept reality.  If it's useful to you, we can also work on your behalf, developing your plans or communications, but - crucially - always adopting your aims and your voice.


It's often lonely at the top.  You will be expert in your discipline or your organisation's product field, but may still need an intelligent partner to challenge and develop your plans and communication ideas.

Most organisations do not really need expensive marketing help below strategy-and-set-up level.  They can run with the ball using internal resources if the brand and messaging is put in place by an expert. We believe you should spend your budget where you'll get the greatest return.

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